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60 teme și materiale

Certificat de absolvire

Prezentarea diciplinei

The ENGLISH FOR IT course is designed for Moldavian citizens who are either studying at an IT-related faculty or currently working in the IT industry as junior specialists. It is ideal for those looking to improve their English skills to advance their IT careers, as well as individuals seeking to transition into IT and need to boost their IT English vocabulary.

Prerequisites: learners should have at least an A2 level of English proficiency, with B1 being preferable for a more comfortable learning experience.

This course was developed by ATIC part of the “Digital Literacy Programme for Girls and Women” with the financial support of Denmark, Luxembourg, South Korea, and Sweden, provided through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Conținutul cursului

Afișarea tuturor lecțiilor
Ministerul Educației și Cercetării