
Moldova joins global innovators at South Korea’s “e-ICON World Contest” once again this year!

Representatives of the Republic of Moldova are participating for the third consecutive year in the prestigious International Mobile Applications Competition “e-ICON World Contest,” which is held in August in South Korea. The contest brings together young innovators from 31 countries who develop mobile applications to support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Participants are evaluated based on the originality, usefulness, and social impact of their applications, and the competition offers a valuable platform for recognizing and promoting young talents in the technology field.

Our country will be represented in the competition by the team from “Miron Costin” Theoretical High School in Florești, composed of students Laura Burduja and Daniela Grosu, under the guidance of teacher Tatiana Rotari. Participation in the competition is made possible thanks to the 2014 Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Korea, as well as the strategic partnership between Tekwill and the Ministry of Education and Research for the development of digital, IT, and STEM competencies throughout life, which ensures that students in Moldova have free access to the educational opportunities offered by “Tekwill in Every School” (TIES) Program, including the “Mobile Application Design and Development” course studied by the team from Florești.

“The Ministry of Education and Research supports and promotes the development of technological skills and creativity among students in the Republic of Moldova, providing them with learning and professional growth opportunities comparable to those in other countries. Competitions serve as an important tool in shaping a generation of young people prepared for the challenges and opportunities of a globalized and constantly changing world. We are pleased with this long-standing partnership with Tekwill and the Republic of Korea. We wish our national team success, inspiration, and outstanding results,” Minister Dan Perciun conveyed to the members of our national team.

“Tekwill in Every School project, developed in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Research and supported by external development partners, is crucial for the educational and technological future of the Republic of Moldova. It offers a strategic vision tailored to the challenges of the 21st century. By investing in the technological education of young talents and providing advanced resources and skills, the program shapes innovative leaders capable of developing valuable solutions in an ever-evolving professional landscape. Its impact is reflected in the international success of students and in strengthening Moldova’s position on the global map of technological innovation,” emphasizes Ana Chirița, Strategic Projects Director, ATIC.

“SpotOnFocus: digital innovation for academic excellence, developed by students of ‘Miron Costin’ High School”

The mobile application “SpotOnFocus,” created by the team from “Miron Costin” Theoretical High School in Florești, aims to transform the way students prepare for school tests. With advanced features that optimize learning and improve academic performance, the application exemplifies excellence in digital innovation developed directly from the school benches.

“Based on personal experiences and the desire to find an effective study method, the mobile application uses proven revision methods, such as the 2, 3, 5, 7 method for periods of 2-4 weeks and the 1, 2, 3 method for shorter periods of one week. For example, if the exam is on September 19, the application will recommend study sessions on September 18, 16, 13-14, 8, and 1. Additionally, ‘SpotOnFocus’ offers study tips, quizzes, and marathons to make the learning process more interactive and enjoyable. As high school students ourselves, we understand the challenges we face and created this application to help teenagers study smarter and optimize their study habits,” say Daniela Grosu and Laura Burduja, the students participating in the competition.

Remarkable achievements of moldovan teams in international competitions in 2022 and 2023

In 2022, the Republic of Moldova was awarded third place at the e-ICON World Contest for the application “Poor Eating Habits,” developed by the “Green Energy” team, consisting of Irina Grosu and Gheorghe Manolache. The application was dedicated to promoting healthy eating habits and was based on the global goal “Good Health and Well-Being.”

In 2023, Irina Grosu and her sister, Daniela Grosu, secured second place with a mobile application that improved students’ academic performance through an efficient revision method. This achievement demonstrated their ongoing commitment and excellence in mobile application development.

“Over the past three years, I have had the privilege of working with exceptional students who have demonstrated their creativity and technical skills through innovative projects. Our continued participation in the international e-ICON World Contest highlights not only the remarkable talent of our students but also our commitment to measuring ourselves against the best talents globally and learning from diverse perspectives. This year, we aim to uphold the tradition of excellence and bring home not only awards but also valuable knowledge to inspire and motivate future generations of programmers. Each success represents a step forward in strengthening our global position and recognizing the merits of our students,” says Tatiana Rotari, mathematics teacher and mobile application design and development instructor at “Miron Costin” Theoretical High School in Florești.

“Tekwill in Every School” transforms education in the Republic of Moldova

“Tekwill in Every School” is the most extensive and innovative educational project in the Republic of Moldova, dedicated to transforming the education system and providing state-of-the-art knowledge, resources, and tools. Over four years, the project has connected 489 schools, involving 78,600 students and 2,200 teachers. The resources developed under the program – 9 IT and non-IT courses – are available in Romanian and Russian on the platform

The range of “Tekwill in Every School” courses, including Algorithm Programming in C/C++, Web Design and Development, Graphic Design, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Application Development, Emotional Intelligence in Communication, Video Storytelling, and Entrepreneurship, were developed by Tekwill and implemented in educational institutions with support from the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova. Following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Tekwill in 2018 on “Developing Digital, IT, and STEM Competencies Throughout Life,” the Ministry expanded the curriculum offer for optional IT subjects in the summer of 2020, approving curricula for six new subjects.

“Tekwill in Every School project proves to be a fundamental pillar in technological education in the Republic of Moldova, providing students with essential skills to navigate and excel in a dynamic digital landscape. The remarkable performances of our students in the last two editions of the International Mobile Applications Contest ‘e-ICON World Contest’ highlight our dedication to excellence and the program’s success in cultivating emerging talents. In this context, the Ministry of Education and Research plays a crucial role, supporting educational initiatives and ensuring the necessary resources for developing digital competencies,” mentioned Dorina Harghel, Coordinator of the “Tekwill in Every School” Project.

“Tekwill in Every School” project is implemented by the National Association of ICT Companies under the aegis of Tekwill and in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, with outstanding support from development partners – the United States Agency for International Development, the European Union, the Government of Sweden, UNDP Moldova, UNICEF, UN Women, and the Government of Japan.

Ultimile cursuri adăugate

Vezi mai multe cursuri
35 lecții

Programarea Algoritmilor în C/C++

  • Introducere
  • Ce este programarea
  • Medii de programare
  • Date
  • Structura programului C / C++. Input / O
  • Programe cu structură liniară
  • Instrucțiuni de selecție
  • Instrucțiuni de selecție multiplă
  • Repetarea acțiunilor
  • Bucle controlate de condiție
  • Bucle controlate de contor
  • Tablouri liniare
  • Tablouri Bidimensionale
  • Șiruri de caractere
  • Operații cu șiruri de caractere
  • Subprograme
  • "Anatomia" funcțiilor
  • Funcții recursive
  • Algoritmi. Istorie
  • Metode de reprezentare a algoritmilor
  • Algoritmi elementari
  • Căutarea în tablouri
  • Ordonarea elementelor. BubbleSort
  • Sortarea prin selecție
  • Ce înseamnă Forța Brută
  • Recursia
  • Algoritmul de propagare a undei
  • Tehnici recursive: Divide and Conquer
  • Tehnici recursive. Reluare
  • Grafuri. Noțiuni. Reprezentări
  • Grafuri. Parcurgeri
  • Arbori de cost minim
  • Drumuri minime în graf
  • Algoritmi euristici. Greedy
  • Algoritmi euristici. Jocul ”Viața”
35 lecții

Proiectarea și Dezvoltarea Web

  • Lecție introductivă
  • Introducere
  • Prezentarea site-ului
  • Limbajul de marcare HTML - introducere
  • Elementele HTML utilizate în antetul doc
  • Elemente HTML utilizate în BODY
  • Elemente HTML de aranjare a textului
  • Adăugarea img. și tab. cu date HTML
  • Definirea referințelor în HTML
  • Formulare HTML
  • Iframe, audio și video în HTML
  • Metode de implementare ale stiluri
  • Tipuri de selectori CSS
  • Moștenirea stilurilor
  • CSS pentru stilizarea câmpurilor
  • Pseudo-clase – stilizarea referințelor
  • Poziționarea elementelor
  • Transparența elementelor HTML
  • Tranziții și animații în CSS
  • Noțiunea de ”responsive design”
  • Flexbox-uri în CSS
  • Exemplu de creare a unui site web
  • Scripturi client-side
  • Obiecte predefinite JavaScript
  • Variabile, tipuri de date în JavaScript
  • Funcții predefinite în JavaScript
  • Funcții definite de programator
  • Manipulări asupra datei și orei în JavaScript
  • Instrucțiunile ciclice în JavaScript
  • Evenimente gestionate cu JavaScript
  • Obiectul RegExp din JavaScript
  • Tablouri în JavaScript
  • Obiecte JavaScript. Proprietăți, metode
  • Creare slider cu JavaScript
33 lecții

Dezvoltarea Aplicațiilor Mobile

  • Temă introductivă
  • Sistemul de operare Android
  • Medii integrate de proiectare și dezvoltare a aplicațiilor mobile
  • Resurse Limbajul Java. Elemente de sintaxă
  • Programarea orientată pe obiecte în Java
  • Resurse
  • Activitatea - element important în proiectarea aplicației
  • Fragmente
  • Interacțiunea fragmente activități
  • Intenții
  • Ce este și cum se creează o interfață grafică
  • Tipuri de interfețe grafice
  • Ferestre de dialog, mesaje
  • Gestionarea butoanelor
  • Prelucrarea valorilor calendaristice
  • Gestionarea intervalelor de timp
  • Paleta Widgets CalendarView, ProgressBar
  • Crearea meniurilor
  • Crearea listelor cu opțiuni
  • Fluxuri de date. Stocarea internă a datelor
  • Stocarea externă a datelor
  • Baze de date
  • Grafica 2D. Forme simple și vectoriale
  • Imagini
  • Sisteme multimedia. Clipuri audio
  • Sisteme multimedia. Clipuri video
  • Animații. Animații simple și combinate
  • Servicii
  • Servicii de localizare
  • Serviciul Google Map
  • Serviciul Google Map. Conectivitatea la bluetooth și wifi
  • Senzori
  • Aplicații cu senzori